
Are you the person people speak to when they have a problem? If you’re a great listener and willing to go deep, being a Psychologist could be what you’re meant to be.


Psychologists provide emotional support to people going through stressful times.

They teach healthy coping mechanisms and are a sounding board for people to talk.

They may also help people who are struggling with their mental health, life changes or addiction. Psychology is concerned with the way a person processes their emotions and their behavior patterns, and assesses how they can best cope with life’s challenges.

To be a clinical psychologist registered with medical aid one must do an undergraduate degree in psychology followed by an Honours and masters degree.

Skills and Attributes

  • Empathy
  • A real interest in people
  • Logical and practical thinking
  • Research
  • Basic numeracy
  • Curiosity


Suggested Subjects:

Complete your National Senior Certificate (Matric) or equivalent with a Bachelor’s pass. In addition, meet the university minimum entry requirements.

Compulsory Subjects:

  • None

Recommended subjects:

  • Mathematics
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Crescent Clinic